Level Of Preparation

Hello again readers -

I've written about this in the past but felt it needed to be revisited. I called it "Infant Parent" or "Parent Infancy". However phrased, It's when someone has crossed over from child to authority figure in your relationship with your parent.

It happens everyday - an ill or elderly parent that can no longer look after themselves or their affairs becomes your new toddler (going through the terrible twos). You as a young adult now puts your life on permanent pause and become the caretaker. The caregiver. The Child/Parent
You do it of course because...because...

You feel pangs of selfishness right? No one you tell understands because they've never dealt with it. They cut you off with quotes like "They took care of you when you were young! Jerk!" -

Yeah, see - I get that but, becoming a parent (in most cases) is a choice. You've DECIDED to take on the responsibility of another life - where as "Child/Parent" is thrusted upon you. No planned parenthood.

Its a difficult situation that if you're in I wanted you to know that I understand. I also know that you need to be prepared. Because rest assured - no matter the amount of denial, you are a parent now and all responsibility falls to you. Including making arrangements for the end.

I myself have had to start considering this. My level of preparedness. Issues I hate the are things that I'll eventually have to deal with - but would hate to be caught off guard with.

Below are issues I'm considering.

-Life Insurance - http://www.aussie.com.au/insurance/life-insurance.htm

-Life Insurance Quotes - http://www.aussie.com.au/insurance/life-insurance.htm

-Funeral Insurance - http://www.aussie.com.au/insurance/funeral-insurance.htm

I think it's what anyone in this situation should.


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